When pricing wallpapering works, particularly for large projects walls should be separately measured according to the different wallpaper specifications/wallpaper types (m2 for girths ex.300mm and Lm for girths not exceeding 300mm).
This measure may be carried out by the painting contractor, or may have been done by the Principal Contractor QS/PQS, to which the painting contractor is pricing to at tender stage.
Either way, you will have to price the quantity
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A painting contractor contacted us yesterday. He had just 'walked' off a large painting contract (His price was £39k) consisting of painting heavy pebbledash render to the externals of lots of houses.
Because he had started the project, got so far in, and realised he had totally under priced the job.
He was calling us because he wanted to know what price he should have put in.
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If you asked a painting contractor "Would you employ someone who said they'd done a bit of home decorating?", you can guess their response.
"That's what's wrong with this industry: Everyone thinks they they can paint"!
And they'd be right. Of course to be a painter you need to be trained. Of course you need to gain a few years experience post training.
But here's the thing: Why, when it comes to pricing/tendering, do painter
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I am often asked: “Why is Quick Paint Rate painting rates calculator software so much BETTER than any rating book or general rates that are available?”
When pricing a project, YOUR painting/wallpapering rates MUST allow for:
1. Labour Costs
2. Material Costs
3. Project Direct Overheads (travel, fuel, parking, accommodation for etc.) for each individual project.
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