When pricing wallpapering works, particularly for large projects walls should be separately measured according to the different wallpaper specifications/wallpaper types (m2 for girths ex.300mm and Lm for girths not exceeding 300mm).
This measure may be carried out by the painting contractor, or may have been done by the Principal Contractor QS/PQS, to which the painting contractor is pricing to at tender stage.
Either way, you will have to price the quantity against what is know as an 'all-in' wallpapering rate.
The All-in wallpapering rate will include for:
1. Prime Labour Cost (How much you actually pay your direct employee or subbie per hour/day)
2. Materials (e.g. sundries, paste/adhesive, wallpaper-if you are required to supply wallpaper etc.
2. Travel//Fuel/Accommodation/Parking (Direct project overheads)
3. Company Overheads (e.g. Insurances, telephone, office, vehicles etc)
Your rate will also need to take into account things like:
1. The type of location where you are hanging the wallpaper - e.g. you will hang more wallpaper in a large room than you will on a staircase or in a bathroom/kitchen.
2. Wallpaper Wastage Factor: Where you hang the wallpaper and the wallpaper type/pattern will affect how much wallpaper you will lose as a result of 'cutting' and pattern match (Remember, if you have a drop pattern wallpaper, by cutting lenghts from 'alternative rolls', you will reduce the amount of wastage: i.e. always work from two rolls)
Don't be. Help is at hand.
Our QUICK PAINT RATE painting/wallpapering rates calculator software calculates both 'labour only' and 'all-in' wallpapering rates quickly and easily. You don't need to know anything about calculating rates, just follow the Wizard. You can calculate wallpapering rates according to:
1. Your own labour rates, project travel costs, any accommodation, parking etc.
2. Your own material/wallpaper purchase costs
3. Any wallpaper type (lining paper, standard roll type papers, wide vinyls, digital images).
4. Calculate wallpaper rates that take into account where you are hanging the wallpaper.
5. Calculate rates that allow for different wallpaper wastages according to where the wallpaper is being hung and the type of pattern.
So what are you waiting for?
Happy Estimating
panddonline-Painting Estimator