How to price stripping wallpaper:




Posted by The Painters’ QS in Estimating for Painting Contractors

Mark I have an item on a bill that I’m sure you will come across very often. It’s simply a m2 rate for stripping wallpaper. We have won the project which is for 10 void flats.
I’ve now had a site visit and came across many areas where the papered walls are actually layers on top of layers of wallpaper.
It’s an old tenement building. Some areas have 3/4 layers of wall paper. Is there challenge here I could go back to the client as it’s not

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Painters quite rightly take a lot of pride in learning the skills of their trade, from apprentice to experienced trades person.

Many go on to build small painting businesses.  A few of these expand and employ other painters.

Fewer still go on to become larger painting contractors employing anything from 15 to 50 painters.

However, most painters are held back by their unwillingness to accept that being a good trades person is not enough.<

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All-risk contracts basically get the painting contractors to sign up to do as many 'redecs' as the Principal Contractor decides.  This is normally determined by how 'incompetent' the site management team are (So as you can imagine, it usually involves a lot of work)!

The sole reason this type of contract exists is that Principal Contractors cannot manage site works.  Consequently, they are 'hit' with 'variations' or 'dayworks' to cover re-decs due to 'damage by other trad

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How to price painting to doors?




Posted by The Painters’ QS in Estimating for Painting Contractors

For commercial painters, painting to doors is priced by measuring 'flat', each side of the door that is to be painted.  So if you have a door 900mm x 2000mm and you are painting both sides, the measure will be:  2 x(0.9m x 2m)=3.8m2

Irrespective of whether the door is flush, panelled or glazed, they are all measured flat in m2.

Of course you separate your measures according to the door type, so flush doors are measured separately to panelled or glaz

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