Painting Contractors: Trying to Move More Into Commercial Painting Contracting?




Posted by The Painters’ QS in Estimating for Painting Contractors

Yesterday, I was talking to a painter who had contacted us about our Quick Paint Rate painting/wallpapering rates calculator software.

It was a conversation I've had many times over the years:  An experienced painter who was looking to develop his business more into commercial painting.

As he quite rightly said,
"If I can get more commercial painting works, I can start to employ other painters and earn more money"

His problem (as it is with all painters trying to make this 'leap'), is that he was used to pricing projects by visiting the job, estimating the number of days to complete and then adding something for materials.

Trouble is, in the commercial painting world, at the time of tendering most new build projects are not even built and you have to price from drawings or a bill of quantities (list of decoration items and their quantities).

As he pointed out:
"no-one ever shows you how to price like this!"

Which was why he was contacting us.

If this sounds like you and you want some help pricing commercial painting projects, learning how to measure/cost projects from drawings or are interested in our Quick Paint Rate, take a look at our website or give us a call


Written by P&D Online

The Painters’ QS