Painting Estimating Software




Posted by The Painters’ QS in UK Painting Rates

NEWS FLASH! Quick Paint Rate is soon to have a rate SAVE function added.

This means that painting contractors will be able SAVE all the painting/wallpapering rates they calculated in order to price a particular project.

The rates can be saved to the project name so that at a later date, if you need to review your rates, you can quickly find the rates and your rate build ups.

This will also be very useful, if you need to revise any of the rates because since pricing labour or material prices have changed or their has been a specification change.  Instead of having to build the rate up from the beginning, you can simply find the rate and edit as required.

As you know Quick Paint Rate is a web based software program which means that it can be accessed from any device:  All you need is an internet connection.

This is good news since it means that you can access Quick Paint Rate from your office, home or on site.

It also means that because Quick Paint Rate is not installed on any one computer, you can access Quick Paint Rate from any number of devices:  All you need to do is login to our website and key in your email and password.

Want to know more?

Check out our website or give us a call.

Happy Estimating



#paintingrates #paintingpricingsoftware


Written by P&D Online

The Painters’ QS