There is only one way to accurately price painting windows: Measure and apply all-in painting rates.
What do I mean?
When pricing painting to windows, each window should be measured, flat, overall. If you are painting both sides, you need to measure each side separately. E.g. A window measuring 1m x 2m will have a quantity of 2m2 if you are painting one side and 4m2 if both sides are to be painted.
You must separate your window measure according to window type:
1. Fixed Pane Window (i.e. windows with no opening casements).
2. Casement Window
3. Sash Window
Within each window type, you also need to separate your measure according to the following average pane sizes:
(a) Panes >1m1 (Large Panes)
(b) Panes 0.5-1m2 (Medium Panes)
(c) Panes 0.1-0.5m2 (Small Panes)
(d) Panes <0.1m2 (Very Small Panes)
Each window may be a mixture of pane sizes so you have to take a view on what average pane size category you want to place the window in.
Different window types and pane size take different lengths of time to paint. For example, a very small Georgian pane Sash window like this one
will take a lot longer then a large pane, Casement window like this:
So you will need to apply a higher all in painting rate when costing.
Once you have your total measure (m2) for each window type and pane category, you then multiply each window quantity (m2) by the appropriate all-in unit rate.
We offer Estimating Training for Painting Contractors. For more information go to:
If you need help with painting rates, check out our Quick Paint Rate painting rates calculator software for painting contractors:
Or if you would like to use our estimating service for painting contractors, give us a call: 01782 835764
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