Does Quick Paint Rate work in any currency?




Posted by The Painters’ QS in Estimating for Painting Contractors

Quick Paint Rate calculates painting rates to any country's currency (Euros, US dollars, New Zealand dollars, Russian roubles etc.), WITHOUT the need for any currency conversion.

Although the software shows British pounds (£) symbols (It is UK developed) software), provided you enter your overall painter daily charge and material prices in your country's currency, the rate displays will be rates to your currency.  NO CONVERSION IS REQUIRED (Just ignore the £ symbols, in reality, they could be any currency symbol!)

The displayed painting rates are per square metre (m2) or per linear metre (Lm) depending on the item of work, so as long as you are measuring in 'metric', no conversion is required.


(Painting Estimator for panddonline)


Written by P&D Online

The Painters’ QS