For painting contractors, particularly those who are looking to move more into larger, commercial painting works, it can be difficult to know where to start when pricing and there's nowhere you can go to get estimating advice from professional painting estimators........................ UNTIL NOW!
We at are current, commercial painting estimators, measuring and costing painting projects of all types and sizes for painting contractors all over the UK.
ALL our estimators are from commercial painting contracting backgrounds, so you are guaranteed that the advice we give is both current and accurate.
Typical advice you may need?
1. How to price items of painting work?
2. Measuring items of painting work from drawings or on-site measure
3. Writing professional tender submission letters.
4. £ /m2 and £ /Lm rates
5. Contractual Issues
6. Contractual Terms
How Do I Get Access to This Advice?
It's all part of the Quick Paint Rate software licence. So not only do you get the best professional rating software available, it also comes with FULL SUPPORT, so you can get all the advice you need.
Want to know more?
Give us a call NOW.
Happy Estimating