What is the Daily Painter Charge?
The daily painter charge on which your project 'all-in'painting rates will be based will vary from project to project and is the amount you need to charge per painter, per day to cover the following:
1. Prime Labour Cost (How much you are paying your employees or 'subbies' per day.
2. For direct employees only, an allowance for holiday pay, empl
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Before I start, can I say that in principle, the idea of the CSCS system is a good one. However, it has a major problem.
Yesterday, I met a couple of painters fortunate to be working on a site where the Principal Contractor does not require CSCS cards. Each had 15-20yrs. experience but NO CSCS card.
I looked at their work. It was a good, commercial painting standard, but with no CSCS card, they are restricted to only being able to work on certain
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Yesterday, I was pricing the painting works on a large residential development for one of our painting contractor clients. Prior to measuring and costing, I was reading through all the tender documents when I came across the clause relating to Defects Liability Period.
Now bearing in mind that this project has a 12 month decorating program: The clause read that the defects liability period would commence upon 'practical completion of the FINAL PLOT and
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